Graduate Reviews

In the MFA program at Wonsook Kim School of Art, MFA candidates are required to participate in Graduate reviews. These reviews are where the art faculty will engage in a formal critique of the work made for that term.

From Wonsook Kim School of Art: “Student presents current studio work, as typical of current graduate reviews. [Then] students [will] write Current Studio Investigations Statement, addressing standard questions from Graduate Review Writing Guideline in appendix below.

  • Discipline or graduate faculty evaluate students in their respective studio area, voting for and

    communicating to the student either satisfactory progress or unsatisfactory progress regarding their

    current status in the MFA Program.

  • If unsatisfactory progress is the majority vote, then specific shortcomings should be identified, and

    specific expectations and deadlines should be communicated to the student. In extreme cases, dismissal from the MFA program is an option at these stages.